Sheilani Alix’s latest album “Lovesong” is reflective of her eclectic influences and coffee shop singing days. Featuring acoustic takes on American pop covers that are drenched in love, warm sand and tropical breezes inspired by her recent hiatus to the Philippines, the album pays tribute to beautiful songs that are quickly becoming the our standards.
Sheilani Alix’s debut album, “When Night Falls” offers a soulful touch to much-loved standards, while delivering a fresh yet velvety approach to the Great American Songbook. The album showcases songs reflecting music that filled her house as a child and attempts to paint the landscape of a Bay Area artist’s personal story. So, if you ever wondered what would be on a mixtape from a Filipino-American gal from Vallejo, CA who grew up in a Hawaiian-Filipino Pentecostal church and, as a little girl, whose mother loved to sing Misty, anything Nat King Cole and would lull her to sleep each night singing choruses of Moon River, check out this album — for starters anyway…
Duty Free: The Pacific Rim Sessions (2020)
Duty Free: The Pacific Rim Sessions is a straightforward collection of jazz standards and 1970s music covers recorded in the Philippines and the United States. The journey celebrates musicians on both sides of the Pacific Ocean and illustrates how music transcends all barriers and boundaries.